How Aptivio helps CSOs with Sales & Marketing Alignment

By Max Wickel
February 18th, 2022
The preferences of B2B consumers are becoming digitally dominant. B2B buying journeys have and continue to change at a rapid pace, and as a result, B2B sellers and marketers alike are struggling to keep up. The typical linear buying process has become virtually non-existent in today’s hyper-digital environment. Customers are increasingly taking prospecting into their own hands, whether it be through independent learning on digital channels or leveraging strategic networks and key stakeholders. As a result, B2B marketers and sellers have little room for error and less frequency of engagement. Marketers must be personal and timely, and sellers need to be targeted and integrated into digital experiences to meet revenue goals. Thus, the goal is not to simply encourage sales and marketing communication but rather, to develop a sales and marketing alignment approach that’s fully integrated, symbiotic, and delivers a seamless experience to buyers.

For B2B sales leaders, the sales and marketing alignment challenge is a steep one. In the following, we’ll take a deeper look at the reality B2B sellers are now faced with, and how Aptivio is the solution that can help sales leaders hit their key goals and succeed at sales and marketing alignment.

The Seller’s Dilemma

It’s no secret that in the last few years, in particular, buyers are favoring digital self-service and remote human interaction over face-to-face engagement. In fact, by 2025, it’s expected that 80% of B2B sales interactions will occur in digital channels. This change, as well as the shifts mentioned at the beginning of the piece, leaves sales teams with less time to engage and a growing emphasis on lead quality and predictability of buyer stages. However, traditional forms of demand generation and engagement are floundering and sales teams are facing shrinking pipelines, reduced seller effectiveness and confidence, and difficulty in forecasting future revenues. Naturally, this inhibits and sales and marketing alignment.

From the sales point of view, now more than ever, it’s essential to understand the specific needs and behavior of potential buyers, where they're at in the buyer lifecycle, and who the relevant decision-makers are for any account. In other words, B2B sales teams should follow a buyer-centric “sales flywheel” approach, as seen above, rather than the traditional sales funnel model. The flywheel model places the customer at the center rather than serving as an output, and thus, every action taken is done so with the customer at the forefront.

To face this new reality, B2B sales leaders must position their reps to deliver quality and targeted experiences in the reduced engagement opportunities they have. Virtual selling capabilities are paramount, and with that, must come rep-mediated digital experiences. In such an approach, sellers help deliver an end-to-end digital experience for potential buyers in which they're guiding prospects through the digital experience rather than being disconnected from it or sparingly interjecting themselves. The path to purchase for each B2B buyer is complex and unique, and so, an integrated, targeted approach can often be the deciding factor in converting leads.

So, now what?
Investing in emerging tech like AI is the best option for sales leaders to develop a fully integrated and personalized digital experience for buyers. AI can notably help in pipeline build and hitting growth targets via its remarkable ability to handle mass amounts of data and instantly translate the information into real-time insights. Though the digital frontier and its many customer touchpoints have often presented challenges for B2B sellers, the benefit is buyers leave behind wells of data to be responsibly leveraged. AI’s remarkable ability to manage data at scale cannot be denied, however, sellers don't just need data, they need the right data. That’s where buyer intent data comes into play.

Buyer intent refers to the information and processes that reveal the “intent” of an account or prospect towards purchasing your product or solution. Ideally, the buyer intent data types would include identity fit indicators, demand signals, access to power, sales-ready timing, engagement indicators, and risk signals.

The combination of buyer intent data and AI can offer sellers a fully comprehensive solution that empowers them to be more targeted, timely, and effective by enabling real-time sales actionability. At Aptivio, we’ve created the ideal buyer intent AI platform. Aptivio was engineered for today’s digital world and its disruptive capabilities represent the future of B2B sales. We’ve leveraged our AI expertise to build an all-in-one, accessible, and affordable buyer intent AI solution that ensures B2B sales leaders will hit their essential KPIs.

Meeting KPI Targets with Aptivio
Aptivio can notably help sales leaders improve on revenue-based metrics across the board. Our product helps fuel and develop healthy pipelines, close more deals, and improve the success rate on target accounts.

Aptivio builds strong pipelines by discovering hidden revenue opportunities based on 150+ buying signals that are tailored to your go-to-market approach. The signals are driven by our AI-powered buyer intent data coverage that monitors 1 trillion external data points in real-time. Signals are then matched with the buyer stage and tailored to the specific buyer levels down to the actual decision-maker for an account. As a result, reps are delivered sales-ready opportunities that show strong buyer intent based on our signal monitoring.

In the graphic below, you’ll see a visual depiction of Aptivio’s unique IP that powers our buyer intent AI engine. Our signals, action cards, and contextual plugins come together to deliver the most comprehensive buyer intent solution on the market. Through this special combination, B2B sales leaders can be assured they won’t just reach KPI targets, but exceed them.

Our real-time action cards and AI-powered system allow marketers to always act in real-time and capitalize on opportunities with prospective buyers. As was mentioned previously, it’s a matter of connecting in the right channel with the right message at the right time. Aptivio’s action cards are generated in real-time to produce suggested actions for marketers that will help nurture a lead further along the buying lifecycle.

Aptivio enables marketers to execute more targeted, and ultimately, more affordable campaigns rather than cost-heavy, scattergun initiatives. Marketers can experience healthy ROI on campaigns and reduce the cost to acquire new customers.

The bulk of the opportunities in Aptivio are classified as Early Target or Active Research stage companies. These are the opportunities that marketing runs campaigns against to generate engagement signals to increase the strength of the opportunity so it can be passed over to sales. Marketing typically uses filters in the system to create highly targeted campaigns based on buyer intent to raise awareness or drive engagement.

These early-stage opportunities can be found in Aptivio’s Opportunity Whitespace Dashboard, shown below. This feature is one of the core unifying elements of our product. This dashboard is a product view that can have particular benefits for marketers and sellers alike. The dashboard also operates in real-time, and updates itself as our buyer intent AI engine continuously monitors signals.

Bringing Together Sales and Marketing

Aptivio is designed to bridge the gap between marketing and sales. We increase marketing attribution as our product displays signals marketing generates with their engagement activities. Sales teams can then see these marketing signals to have a clear understanding of the marketing team’s impact and contribution to nurturing a given lead. The sales team is then more satisfied with the leads they’re receiving and marketing generates a higher ROI as they can run targeted campaigns rather than taking a scattergun approach.

Aptivio’s product does more than just align sales and marketing. We enable a holistic, converged approach that fosters an interdependence of people, processes, and technology, which is essential to have amidst increasing digital interaction.

Aptivio’s data spans across all buyer stages, and signals are produced through a continuous cycle that determines lead fit, access, demand, timing, engagement, and risk. As marketing runs campaigns, influenced by signals, additional buyer intent signals continue to cycle back in as leads get nurtured along the buyer lifecycle. As these leads move over to sales, reps can see a full narrative for any potential buyer, rather than simply showing a prospect clicked on an ad or post.

This process facilitates a natural trust between the teams and fuels features of our product such as our interested buyer’s dashboard seen below. In this view, reps can see targets that have demonstrated interest and engaged with our signals, and therefore, have greater clarity on what steps should be taken next to nurture them further.

We make it easy for marketers to engage in timely and effective action and earn the trust of the sales team. In an environment where every buyer’s path to purchase is complex and unique, it’s imperative to leverage a buyer intent AI system like Aptivio that makes it easy to navigate this complexity and deliver personalized experiences.

Want to learn more about how Aptivio can unite your sales and marketing teams? Take a look at the product page on our website and discover how Aptivio supports not just sales and marketing, but the entire revenue team.